Oshodi comprehensive High School promotes aquaculture


Oshodi Comprehensive High School (OCHS)is bringing aquaculture to the
front burner in Lagos state public school in an apparent bid to such boost food production in the state.
The practical Fishery Laboratory science was sponsored by ex-students
of (OCHS) Alumni 84-86 set in Jan.2016,to arouse the interest of
students in agriculture particularly to deepen their
interest in the area of aquaculture.
The principal /director of (OCHS)Mrs.Sonola A.O said, among few
schools in Lagos state that practice fishery laboratory science
teaching, Oshodi comprehensive stands out as one amongst few.”I must
tell you that the students are very happy to have such exposure and
opportunity given to them”.
According to the head of fishery department,Mrs.Folayan who teaches
the subject said,it is mainly based on practical skill acquisition
with a period of three years scheme of work broken down into weekly
teachings for easy assimilation for the senior classes alone.
She further explained fishery as science related subject that is
divided into three parts,- Culture,Capture and industrial
She said culture s deals with rearing of fishes,
Capture-entails catching of fishes from the wide,such as river or
streams and the industrial,which is the most expensive to operate, involves
permission from the government to go into the ocean
to catch fish with necessary equipment.
Mrs.Folayan admitted that the school is running a plastic pond fishery
starting from rearing the fishes from fingerling stage to adult stage.
She commended the students’ interest and disposition to learning which
has encouraged her a lot.