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The Ejigbo Depot located at NNPC bus stop has been shut down by the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) with the motive of investigating the rampant and persistent disappearance of petroleum products pumped into the facility.
Echonews gathered that before shut of the Depot, there were cases of persistent reports of missing Petrol since the facility had resumed loading activities in March which came up after the efforts of NNPC to curb vandalism had yielded results with the repairs of the vandalized portion of the pipelines linking the depot with Atlas Cove Depot, also in Lagos.
A source at Ejigbo Depot who pleaded anonymity disclosed that with the improvement recorded by the NNPC in repairing the pipelines and tackling vandalism, the depot resumed loading activities in March.
“It started loading in March but it has been shut down because NNPC complained of missing products. Each time they pump petrol into the depot, they will discover during loading that there is shortage. So, they shut down to investigate,” he explained.
Though the officers at the depot were mute as regards the situation of things Echonews observed that the situation has worsened because there wasnt enough parking spaces for tankers waiting to lift products.