Echonews Nigeria Community News

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Cost of ram on the rise at Eid El Kabir


By Abolaji Adebayo

Ram, the favourite meat slaughtered and cooked for the Eid El kabir, was not as affordable as expected  during the on-going festival.

Few days to the festival, the prices of ram went up as the smallest one cost about N40,000, while medium cost between N70,000 and N90,000. There were others that cost between N100,000 and N250,000 depending on the size and the breed.

Though the prices of some other consumable goods especially the foodstuffs and pepper were relatively stable, few materials were unaffordable to the poor.

ECHONEWS also gathered that many people refused to purchase new cloths as embroiders lamented low patronage compared to last year’s boom .

This, according to analysts, could be due to the level of insecurity especially the incessant kidnapping along the major roads across the southern states.