200 benefit from NGO support 



A non-governmental organization, Zakat and Sadagat Foundation has put smiles on the faces of 200 less privileged residents of Ejigbo, Isolo and Oshodi communities with the aim of cushioning the recipients’ standard of living.

Zagat and Sagat donated food and clothes in the communities during its annual event recently.

President of the foundation, Abideen Nasirudeen said that the foundation was bothered about the high rate of unemployment in the country, adding that the empowerment and relief package was to cushion the suffering of Nigerians.

Nasirudeen also said that the programme is an annual event which had helped several families and individuals in the communities.

He urged well meaning individuals, philanthropists and organisations to support the foundation’s initiative so that more families could benefit from the program.

”What we are doing is a community relief package programme for the less privilege in Oshodi, Isolo and Ejigbo to help them alleviate their suffering and put smiles on their faces. The suffering is much most of the people here are. unemployed and jobless.

“The programme is an annual one about 200 people has benefited this year irrespective of your religion and we are. determined to do more if we have the needed support,”
Nasirudeen said.