Uphold the tenets of Islam beyond Ramadan – Cleric admonishes Muslims


By Damilola Kushimo

Alfa AbdulAkeem Salami

As the holy month of Ramadan rounds off, the founder of Hasbiyyallah Islamic Foundation of Nigeria, Alfa AbdulAkeem Salami, has called on all Muslims to sustain their steadfastness to the tenet of Islam.

Salami advised the Muslims to sustain their good deeds and submission to Allah beyond the month of Ramadan and continue to pray for the country.

According to him, as Ramadan condemns bad habits and behaviours which include gossiping, fornication, adultery, lie, alcohol consumption and other sinful acts but encourages selflessness and good deeds of various kinds as well as closeness to Allah, so do other months, stressing that Islamic faithfuls should continue to grow spiritually beyond Ramadan.

He further admonished them to honour the last ten days of Ramadan and strive to receive the blessing of the night of Majesty (Lailatul’quadri) which he said could still be received within the few days to the end of Ramadan, saying it is more beneficial than 1000 nights.

Speaking on the Ramadan lecture he organised recently, the cleric said it was the first one and wished to organise it annually.

“We organised a lecture with the theme “Importance of Ramadan” to enlighten people about Ramadan. We want to re-emphasise its importance. What its benefits are as God has directed us to do in the Quran. Allah said we should fast just as those before us had done noting that there are a lot of benefits in Ramadan. There are blessing, mercy, forgiveness and other benefits. Also, the Lailatul-Quadri is more beneficial than 1000 nights and he who is fortunate to observe Ramadan with due diligence, the benefits therein is immeasurable.

“Ramadan condemns every bad habit and behaviour. As we abstained from all these bad habits during Ramadan, it is expected that we maintain them after Ramadan. We should keep up with our kind and rewarding acts after Ramadan. There are many benefits in doing well.”