OAGH urges parents to allow wards partake in “Back to school” health outreach


By Motola AbdulGafar

The management of Orile-Agege General Hospital has urged parents/guardians to allow their children to take part  in  the  he a l t h  p r o g r a m m e  organizes by the hospital.

A c c o r d i n g t o t h e management under the leadership of the Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer of the hospital,  Dr. Sola Pitan, the health exercise is to give children the opportunity of doing a comprehensive screening to ensure a healthy status in preparation to resume back to school.

He said the management has p l a n n e d t h e phenomenal community health service as another way to ensure a healthy l i v i n g  o f  r e s i d e n t s  irrespective  of their age group as children would  b e c o m e  o c c u p i e d  for medical services except when necessary the moment  t h e y  r e s u m e  a  ne w academic session in school. He said their goal is to provide these services at no cost to the children while requesting philanthropists’ contribution towards the success of the programme by donating.

He analyzed that the cost implication for each child is estimated at #10,000 which sums up to 10 million naira for 1000 children.

He said donations can be made via checks or direct transfer to LASG OAGH REVENUE ACCOUNT NUMBER: 1 0 1 4 5 1 1 3 7 3 ( Z E N I T H BANK) while disclosing that the health exercise will take place at 3, Old Otta Road, Ile-epo bus- stop, Orile- Agege between 15th -19th of August, 2022.