Kosofe Constituency II Residents Seek Government Support In Farming To Boost Food Production





Kehinde Adeleye


Tamroyal Event Centre was agog on Friday 11th October to receive government officials, monarchs, clerics, community leaders, workers, trade unions, artisans, market women, youth, security agents and other residents of Kosofe Constituency two as Hon Femi Saheed, Chairman House Committee on Finance and representative of the constituency at the Lagos State House of Assembly hosted the 9th Constituency Stakeholders’ Meeting.


The event which was held simultaneously across the forty constituencies of the state was staged to seek constituents views in addressing need to ensuring food security in the state and getting their feedbacks in the developmental needs of their communities.


In his keynote address, Hon Femi Saheed expressed his gratitude to residents of the constituency for keeping faith in the administration of President Bola Tinubu despite many challenges they are facing due to necessary restructuring the President is putting in place to reset Nigeria to a thriving and economic viable country. He urged his people to embrace subsistence farming no matter how small in any available space in their purview to complement the commercialization and industrialization of agricultural production of the government. He encouraged stakeholders, especially youth bodies to tap into opportunities that the Lagos State government had put in place to encourage their active participation in farming.


The Honourable also seized the medium to call for fervent prayers for the nation as well as the success President Bola Tinubu and other leaders at the helms of affairs of the country.


Princess Samiat Abolanle Bada, Executive Chairman of Ikosi-Isheri and Mayor Dele Osinowo, the Executive Chairman of Agboyi-Ketu led their government officials to grace the Stakeholders’ Meeting. In their welcome address delivered by the Mayoress of Ikosi-Isheri, they commended the good works of Hon Femi Saheed and thanked him for complementing their efforts at the local councils with various interventions and facilitation of impactful projects.


In a detailed explanation of the topic, “Ensuring Food Security for a Sustainable Future: Youth Participation and Home Grown Farming” Mrs Janeth Obafemi, a Deputy Director from Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security gave numerous channels youth and farmers can benefit in government interventions in encouraging farming. She urged everyone to development the interest of turning every available space in their space to farming in addressing deficit in food production.


In response to the topic of discourse, representatives of Parents Forum, Farmers, Youth Council and Community Development Council of the two LCDAs solicited for government support that would be easy to access and devoid of unnecessary bureaucracy to encourage their farming activities. They called for subsidized feeds and fertilizers, low cost mechanical tools and funds to boost the marketing of farm products.


The Secretariat officials of the Lagos State House of Assembly led by Mrs Sebiotimo Caroline were also physically present to receive constituents reports on areas in their communities that need government attention.


Representatives of Council of Imams and Alfas, Kosofe Chapter and the Christians Association of Nigeria, Kosofe Chapter took turns to offer prayers for the country and all government officials led by President Bola Tinubu.
