“Joint Competition Fosters Unity” …. Ajumoni Grammar School’ Inter-House


It was jubilation at the camp of the Red House of Ajumoni Grammar Schools when the results of the Inter House Sports Competition were announced. However, the competition which was jointly held by the Senior and Junior schools for the first time in the history of the school.
The Red House comfortably dominated the medal table with 96 points, while Blue House clinched the second spot with 80 points. Green and Yellow Houses were left to grapple for the 3rd and 4th positions respectively.
At the Junior level, it was consolation for the Red House, ended up, being the less significant house with a meagre 56 points, the lowest on the medal table. Yellow house took the third position, the second spot was taken by the Blue House and the first by the Green House with 104, the highest points on the table.
The competition was fierce, strictly and formally officiated by the school officials. All the students of both the Senior and Junior school, participated. Teachers and Parents were not left out of the games. The principal of the Senior School, Mrs. A.C Awodumila, in her speech, encouraged all schools to emulate the culture of joint inter-house sport competition, especially, were the is both the Senior and Junior categories.
She said, allowing the Senior and Junior schools to interact and interrelate, foster unity among all the students. “Coming together like what we have today, fosters unity between junior and senior students, between the teacher of the junior and senior schools and at the same time, it has reduced the cost of running the competition significantly” she said.