Sexual Harassment Allegations: MTN disengages erring staff


By Abolaji Adebayo

A foremost telecommunications company, MTN Nigeria, said it has disengaged a senior staff officer alleged with sexual harassment of female officeres.

In a statement, the company stated that extensive forensic investigation was conducted by an independent forensic team examining issues included in the whistleblower’s submission before taking the final decision.

The statement read: “MTN Nigeria Communications Plc (MTN Nigeria) confirms receipt of anonymous allegations made against a senior officer through the Company’s whistleblowing structures in May 2021. These allegations were taken through MTN Nigeria’s governance structures.

“An extensive forensic investigation was conducted by an independent forensic team examining issues included in the whistleblower’s submission. Specific details and substantiating evidence were not provided to support some of the allegations made.

“Prior to the release of the media reports on this issue, the MTN Nigeria Board had taken a decision on the separation of the concerned individual and he has been disengaged from the employment of the Company.

“Publicised allegations made against other employees were received through the whistleblowing process on 3 March 2022. Per Company policy, these allegations will also be treated with the same level of fairness and objectivity. Parties will be given the opportunity for their versions to be heard and considered along with supporting evidence to ensure all associated issues are adequately addressed.

“MTN Nigeria is committed to providing a safe environment for all its employees free from discrimination on any grounds and harassment at work, including sexual harassment, and conducting business in accordance with extant laws. The Company operates a zero-tolerance policy for any form of unethical practice in the workplace. All complaints of sexual harassment and other violations are taken seriously and treated with respect, sensitivity and in confidence.”