Residents commend Obe for opening KashimawoAlimi road

By SaheedAfolabi
Residents of Oke-Afa and Ailegun Wards have commended the chairman of Ejigbo Local Council Development Area (LCDA), Hon. Monsuru Bello (Obe) for opening the newly constructed KashimawoAlimi road to commuters.
The road serves as alternative route for motorists heading to Jakande Estate or Ailegun to beat the incessant heavy traffic at the Gate side of Jakande Estate.
The council authority had earlier delayed the opening of the road for use after its completion because it planned to erect an overhead barricade to bar heavy trucks and lorries from plying the road.

Commending the council chairman for the initiative, the chairman of Estate Youth Parliament (EYP), Yusuf Adeyemi, said the opening of the road has brought relief to the residents and other road users, saying it has also reduced the traffic jams always experienced at Jakande Gate.
Another resident of the Estate, Idris Giwa, said the community appreciates the chairman of Ejigbo LCDA for listening to the yearnings of the people by opening the road.