The gains of I’tikaf, Umrah and Lailatul-Qadr – Clerics


By Abolaji Adebayo

As Islamic holy month of Ramadan rolls to an end, Muslims all over the world have been making frantic efforts to catch up with the last ten days of the month, seeking earnest closeness with Allah.

Knowing the sumptuous and enormous benefits inherent in the month especially the last ten days, the Islamic faithfuls have been making strenuous efforts since the commencement of the last ten days to increase in their good deeds and supplication to Allah.

According to Islamic scholars, the ten days of the month are more important to humanity especially the faithful ones than the previous days of the month.

They believe, according to Islamic doctrine, that Allah puts rewards on whatever good deed done during the period in hundred folds compared to other days in the month of Ramadan.

Some politicians have also been taking the advantage of the period to seek divine supports.

Many of them have been involving in almsgiving, sponsoring Muslims to Umrah (lease Hajji) performed during the last ten days of Ramadan and giving Iftar (foods) to the Muslims to break their fast.

One of the Islamic scholars in Oshodi-Isolo Local Government Area, Imam Lukman Fasasi, explained that there are various deeds (ibadah) which are highly important for any Muslims seeking good rewards from Allah to observe during the last ten days of the holy month.

These, as he said, include I’tikaf (seclusion), umrah (lesser hajj), giving iftar (foods for breaking fast) and most importantly seeking Lailatul-Qadr.

He said there is a particular night, Lailatul-Qadr (the night of Majesty), which every Muslim must not miss, adding that the target of all the conscious believers is meet up with night due to abundant benefit inherent in it hence, they keep vigil through the ten days.

“Muslims are recommended to take the month of Ramadan and especially its last ten days as a period to ask Allah to safeguard them from entering the hellfire. It is a period in which a repentant person has an opportunity for their sins to be erased by Allah,” he said.

He explained that the last ten days are used to make up for the lost twenty days in ibadah to seek forgiveness of sins, supplicate to Allah on all one’s desires, commit oneself to do ibadah regularly day and night as one has never done before.

Despite the pressure of work, businesses, and ways of making ends meet for a jolly Ramadan, those who really know the benefits inherent in this period damn all the encumbrances of worldly affairs and take a short break off work, businesses for Allah. They embark on I’tikaf (seclusion) for the last ten days to solidify their relationship with Allah.

One of the greatest traditions of Islam, the spark of which has become a popular issue at this period of Ramadan is I’tikaf. This is a tradition which has been in Islam from the early days of the revelation and is also something known and recognised as the practice of Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) as ordained by Allah (SWT).

“I’tikaf means to stay in the Mosque with the intention of abiding in it for the sake of Allah (SWT). The purpose of such stay in the Mosque is ibadah and to get closer to Allah. During I’tikaf, nothing is required other than observing nawafil, reading, studying the Holy Quran and doing Zikr which is the remembrance of Allah. For those who are not able to embark on seclusion, they should use the period very well in getting closer to Allah, obey the commandments of Allah (SWT), refrain from the things which He has prohibited and to be in His service.

“This night opens its gates of treasures; the angels with the permission of Allah descend with peace, more importantly, the blessing will dwell with us till Fajr.

“The Prophet (s.a.w) said: “The person who offered prayers to Allah in the Night of Majesty with faith and with the hope of reward from Allah, all his past sins have been forgiven” (Bukhari).

“This holiest and most blessed night is likely to occur on one of the odd nights on the last 10 days of Ramadan and the reward of worship on this night is better than the worship of a thousand months of worship, equivalent to a person’s lifetime put together,” Imam Fasasi explained.

Also explaining the importance of I’tikaf in the last ten days of Ramadan, the Chief Imam of Ishagatedo Central Mosque, Alhaji Abdul Rasaq Orebiyi said: “About I’tikaf, it’s a period of seclusion; getting closer to Allah for the purpose of worshipping Him inside the mosque. It is recommended that one can observe I’tikaf in every central mosque especially those that have toilet facilities for convenience because you are expected to be in the mosque through the period. If you are a government worker, nothing is stopping you from observing I’tikaf. You will just head to mosque from work every day; that will be the routine.

“Umrah (lesser hajj) can be observed at any time of the year. But, If you perform Umrah during Ramadan, you will get the reward of someone who performs Hajj.”

In Oshodi, I’tikaf is ongoing at various Jumat Mosques organised by Ansarudeen Islamic Society, NASFAT, Shams-Ud-Deen Al-Islamiy mosque and some other mosques in the locality.

However, ECHONEWS gathered that few mosques in Isolo and Ejigbo LCDAs organised  I’tikaf due to the Coronavirus pandemic.

A Muslim sister, Nabeelah Thanni living in Ejigbo told ECHONEWS that she wanted to go for I’tikaf but the closest standard mosque where she could do the I’tikaf was at Abaranje, claiming that she could not find a Mosque where I’tikaf was being organised in Ejigbo.

The Chief Imam of Ejigbo, Alhaji Mikail Sanni also confirmed that the was no I’tikaf in Ejigbo Central Mosque.
He said the mosque only organises Lailatul-Qadr every night in the last ten days of Ramadan.

The Chief Imam of Ishagatedo Central Mosque, Alhaji Abdul Rasaq Orebiyi also confirmed that I’tikaf was organised in very few mosques in Isolo.

“I’m not really aware of any mosque where I’tikaf is being done here in Isolo but there are some. There is one in Okota whose name I can’t recall. You know it involves catering for the persons observing it, their sahur and Iftar,” he stated.

However, ECHONEWS observed that only 15 people were in a mosques for the ten days in Jakande Estate, while some other worshipers only came in the odd days.

Meanwhile, majority of the mosques and some Islamic organisations as well as Arabic study centres in Oshodi-Isolo organised Lailatul-Qadr to seek Allah’s favour.

Some well-to-do Muslims and non-Muslims including politicians donated to sponsor some of the events.

For instance, the vice chairman of Isolo LCDA, Hon. Bayo Olasoju who sponsored a Qur’an competition, said he did so despite being a Christian because he knows the importance of the holy month.

The Managing Director of Hajj Mabrur Ventures Limited, Alhaji AbdulHameed Solate, is one of the Muslims in Ejigbo confirmed by ECHONEWS to have gone to umrah for the last ten days of this year’s Ramadan.