South-Southerners celebrate Daddy Showkey at 50


Nigerians from the South-South residing in Oshodi-Isolo have joined their fellow brethren and sisters worldwide to celebrate the golden age of the music icon, performer and writer popularly known as Daddy Showkey.


Born August 4,1970, Daddy Showkey, ( real name is John Asiemo),is married to Sandra Ebere Asiemo and has children including Raymond Asiemo. He is believed to be worth millions.


Showkey stormed the Nigerian musical scene in 1991 with his hit single, Fire! Fire!. it was a critical wake up call to Nigerians to take back the country going adrift using the imagery of a country on fire that needed the urgent rescue of the citizens.


Coming at a time the Babangida administration’s economic policy of Structural Adjustment Programme had led to mass retrenchment and poverty of the rural and urban poor, “Fire!Fire! Spoke the mind of the masses to a regime that ruled without legitimacy.


PHOTO: Daddy Showkey

’s brand of reggae music is called ghetto dance and has been located within its original base in Ajegunle, a suburban ghetto of Lagos, Nigeria’s industrial capital, where the poor live without basic facilities.


Other singles of Showkey are  Diana, The Chicken, Sandra, Young Girl, Ragga Hip Hop, Asiko, Mayazeno, Girls’Cry, What’ Gonna Be Gonnna be, Ghetto soldier, Jehovah, Dancing Scene and One Day.


He is credited with two albums titles The Name and Welcome.


In a tribute to the musician on his 50th birthday, the Honourable Commissioner for Budget & Economic Planning, Mr.Sam Egube and the Secretary to Ejigbo Local Council Development Area, Mr. Paul Fregene praised the musician for what he has been able to achieve with his talents.


“As you celebrate your birthday today, we look anew and with ever increasing admiration upon your distinguished personality, career and accomplishments. May you hit something more than gold, you will have more years of happiness and sound health. As your days so shall your strength be.


May this milestone age usher you into a period of unprecedented breakthrough”, they said in a statement released today.