Oshikoya Visits Ajao Estate Primary School, Express In-dept. Dissatisfaction Over Fabricated Report.


With immediate and responsive action to the sensationalized story recently published by Isolo Voice, about the damp building with damaged leaky roof of Ajao Estate Nursery and Primary School. The Sole Administrator of Isolo LCDA, Hon. Abimbola Oshikoya paid an inspection visit to the school, only to find out the story was not true, but a fabrication of someone’s imagination.
In a, thorough inspection of the school and its facilities, the sole Administrator expressed her in-depth dissatisfaction over the untrue nature of the highly-sensationalized news published about the school which had circulated speedily within the community.
It was reported that the school once had a building of such nature which was caused by rain storm, but the building had been pull down and a replacement, under construction and nearly completed. Its worth of note, that the school still retain and maintain her high standard as a school with conducive and friendly atmosphere for learning.
The Sole Administrator urge The Media, to be more credible in its reporting, to avoid misleading the general population with wrongful information. Adding that in-dept. reporting, follow up and research by the media will bring to the fore, the truth about any event or situation.
The sole Administrator alongside, Head of Administrative Department Mr.S.B Odeleye, joined her entourage, they paid an appreciative visit to Chief Emeka, a business merchant and a staunch compatriot. Chief Emeka is the one solely financier of the almost completed Toilet Project in the school.
In response to the administrator’s eulogy, Chief Emeka said, his intention is to construct more beneficial facilities in the school for the convenience of the pupils and teachers.
In her words, the Sole Administrator described him as a man of explicable character and immense supporter of the growth of the community. The business savvy is responsible for numerous developmental projects within the community.
Hon. Abimbola assures the community of a noticeable transformation action and more development in the area. Adding that more project will be executed within the community.
Abimbola then made a stop at Ajao Estate Primary Health Care Centre, catching the Health Workers, completely unaware of her coming. She frowned at various actions of insubordination and inefficiency, exhibited among the staffs of the center. Highlighting several things to be put in order for the benefit of the patients, especially infants and nursing mothers, she advise diligent work and service to the public.
Before heading back to the council, Hon Abimbola extended her visit to Ire – Akari Police Station, to commiserate with the Divisional Police Officer of the Station, DSP Falowo Timothy, over the havoc that struck the station in the previous week.
It was understood, that the giant tree right behind the DPO’s office couldn’t subdue the tempo of the storm while it was raining, the previous week, it eventually fell over the roof of the building, wrecking the roof and got vital documents and valuable assets in the DPO’s office soaked in water.
The destructive incident happened right before the DPO’s eye, as he was inside the office attending to visitors, he narrowly escaped being severely injured. The Sole Administrator expressed her sincere condolence at the unfortunate incident and to the satisfaction of the D.P.O, she assured proper repair of the damaged roof and some commendable development in the Station.