This Morning In the News

New Army Chief, Lagbaja, Shakes Up Army Formations


In what appears to be a major shakeup in the formation of the Nigerian Army (NA), the new Chief of Army Staff (COAS), Lieutenant General Taoreed Lagbaja,

has appointed and posted some senior officers.
The move, according to the director of Army Public Relations, Brig Gen Onyema Nwachukwu, is part of renewed efforts to reposition the Nigerian Army for operational efficiency and functional administration.

The army chief directed all newly appointed senior officers to redouble their effort and commitment to duty in ensuring the sustenance of the ongoing onslaught against terrorism, insurgency and other threats to national security, as they assume their new appointments.
Those affected in the recent redeployment include some principal staff officers (PSOs) of the Army Headquarters (AHQ) general officers commanding (GOCs), corps commanders, commandants of training institutions, brigade commanders, commanding officers, among others.

In the new development, Maj Gen GU Chibuisi has been moved from HQ Multinational Joint Task Force Ndjamena (MNJTF) to Theatre Command Joint Task Force NE Operation (OPHK) and appointed Theatre Commander, while Maj Gen IS Ali is redeployed from Theatre Command Joint Task Force NE OPHK to HQ MNJTF as the Force Commander.

Maj Gen EAP Undiandeye redeployment from Martin Luther Agwai International Peace Keeping Centre to Defence Intelligence Agency (DIA) as Chief of Defence Intelligence has been formalised.

Other senior officers’ appointed as PSOs of the AHQ include Maj Gen AB Ibrahim who was posted from Headquarters 3 Division NA to the Department of Policy and Plans (DAPP) and appointed Chief of Policy and Plans (Army); Maj Gen BR Sinjen, posted from Nigerian Army Corps of Artillery (NACA) to the Department of Army Operations (DAOPs) and appointed Chief of Operations(Army), and Maj Gen OR Aiyenigba from Nigerian Army Corps of Military Police to Department of Army Standards and Evaluation and appointed Chief of Army Standards and Evaluation (Army).

Others are Maj Gen NC Ugbo from
Nigerian Army Signals School to Department of Civil Military Affairs and appointed Chief of Civil Military Affairs and Maj Gen E Akerejola from Headquarters Nigerian Army Corps of Supply and Transport to Army Headquarters Department of Logistics as the Chief of Logistics (Army).

Senior officers appointed as General Officers Commanding (GOCs) are Major General BA Alabi from Army War College Nigeria ( AWCN) to Headquarters 1 Division as GOC; Maj Gen AE Abubakar from Headquarters 7 Division to 3 Division as GOC 3 Division/ Commander Operation Safe Haven (OPSH), and Maj Gen PP Mala, who was posted from Depot Nigerian Army to Headquarters 7 Division as GOC/ Commander Sector 1 Joint Task North East( NE) Operation Hadin Kai (OPHK).

Senior officers appointed as Corps Commanders include Maj Gen OO Oluyede as the Commander, Infantry Corps; Maj Gen MG Kangye, moved from Department of Civil Military Affairs(DCMA) to Headquarters Nigerian Army Corps of Artillery and appointed Commander.

Others are Maj Gen AA Adeyinka from Nigerian Army College of Logistics and Management (NACOLM) to Headquarters

Nigerian Army Corps of Supply and Transport as Commander.
Other senior officers also affected in the redeployment are Maj General KO Aligbe who is appointed Commander, Training and Doctrine Command; Maj Gen JO Ochai, from Defence Headquarters to Nigerian Defence Academy( NDA) as Commandant; Maj Gen IB Maina, posted from Department of Policy and Plans to Army War College Nigeria as Commandant.

Equally redeployed are Brig Gen TB Ugiagbe who is appointed Acting Chief of Military Intelligence (Army); Brig Gen OG Onubogu from Headquarters Infantry Corps Centre to Martin Luther Agwai International Peace Keeping Centre as Commandant, while Brig Gen N Ashinze moves from Department of Civil Military Cooperation to Defence Intelligence Agency as Director Fusion.
The Nigerian Army also formalised the redeployment of Col AO Onasanya from Army War College Nigeria to Headquarters Guards Brigade as Acting Commander.

AVM Abubakar made the call at the weekend while speaking as the special guest of honour during the graduation ceremony of 314 participants of the Junior Division Course 95/2023 of the Armed Forces Command and College, Jaji.

The CAS, in a statement by the Director of Public Relations and Information, Air Commodore Ayodele Famuyiwa, noted that the nation has higher expectations of the military as the government strives to tackle insecurity and restore the economy.

He urged them to adhere to the Armed Forces Act, Standard Operating Procedures and Rules of Engagement for various operations as framework to guide their activities, particularly their participation in counter insurgency, counter-terrorism and anti-banditry