Medical expert highlights ways to prevent hypertension


By Motolani AbdulGafar

A medical expert in Ejigbo, Dr Idris Giwa, has highlighted ways of preventing hypertension, which he refers to as one of the most common silent killer diseases in the world.

Giwa explained that the disease, which was common in the developed nations, is now becoming widespread in developing countries like Nigeria due to the lifestyle changes, preponderance of high fat and salt diet, alcohol and drug intake, smoking, sedentary lifestyle, and so on.

He noted that circumstances such as poor awareness, poverty, poor healthcare, low education and more caused its prevalence in Nigeria.

He informed that hypertension is categorised into primary, secondary and pregnancy induced, requiring special care.

“The primary hypertension is with no identifiable cause but the secondary is with an identifiable cause like kidney diseases, hormones or diseases of blood vessels.

“As for pregnancy induced hypertension, it is noticed for the first time in pregnancy after 20 weeks and resolving completely within six weeks of delivery. Poor management of the disease leads to preeclampsia and ultimately eclampsia which is convulsion due to a high blood pressure in pregnancy and might lead to death or brain damage,” he said.

He urged residents without the disease to watch their food consumption and intake of unprescribed drugs while charging diagnosed patients to modify their lifestyle by avoiding various risk factors, saying treating other related medical conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, high cholesterol level and so on are necessary to prevent the disease.