LWC Re-launches Quickteller, Pay Direct To Enhance Ease Of Doing Business


_…for convenient and easy payments of water bills_

As part of its ongoing reorganization and rebranding efforts, the Lagos Water Corporation has relaunched the popular payment platforms Quickteller and Pay Direct as methods for customers to settle their water bills in a quick, convenient, and hassle-free manner.

Calling on its customers to maximize the benefits of these online payment portals, the Corporation emphasized that utilizing these platforms not only simplifies the payment process but also promotes efficiency and convenience in business transactions, ultimately elevating the quality of service provided.

“For LWC Billing and Collection efficiency system, and convenient and easy payments of water bills across the State, LWC re-launched the Payment Channels for the Water Customers continuous access to potable water supply and its sustainability.

“This means Water Customers have varieties of payment channels (quickteller and pay direct and can make payments at the comforts of their homes.

These channels include: Quickteller option); Online (Customers can pay at or OR Payment through any Bank Branch across the State (Customers can pay using Paydirect at any Bank in Nigeria); through ATM Machine (Customers can pay at any ATM machine, just choose Paybills.