How to contest Sept 30 sports federations boards elections

Want to contest the September 30 elections into the boards of sports federations in Nigeria? Here is a step -by- step guide:
First, make sure you qualify for the age requirement. According to release issued by the Director, Press and Public Relations, Ministry of Youth & Sports, Alhaji Mohammed Manga, you shouldn’t be less than 25 years of age or more than 80 years old.
Only athletes who are almost 25 years and have participated in at least two international competitions without drug infractions are exempted.
Second, do you have the West African Secondary School Certificate or its equivalent?  What is considered as equivalent could be as low as a primary school certificate in additional to employment in the public service of a state or the private sector.
Third, identify where you belong. The slots on each board are shared as follows: 6 Zonal Representatives (each representing a Geo-Political zone in the country); One (1) Athletes’ Representative of the Sport; One (1) Institutional Sports Representative; Representative of International Sports body of the Sport; Representative of the National Association of Women in Sports (NAWIS); One (1) Representative of the National Association of Physical, Health Education, Recreation, Sports and Dance (NAPHER-SD); One (1) Philanthropist or an Ex-officio member  as well as a Representative of Coach and Officiating official (Technical Bodies of the Sport).  Remember, each board comprises the President, 1 Vice President, 11 other members or as provided for in their relevant constitution or statute; and a Secretary-General as prescribed in the Code of Governance.
Fourth, download the 2021 National Sports Federations Elections Guidelines as well as National Sports Code of Governance 2021 at the Federal Ministry of Youth and Sports Development website:;
And finally, submit to the elections committee of your federation.