First NASHCO zonal head passes leadership mantle to vice


By Edith Igbokwe

The first zonal head of the Nigerian Association of Hairdressers and Cosmetologists (NASHCO), Charity, Oshodi chapter, Mrs Funke Ambekemo has passed down the leadership baton to her vice, Mrs Olapeju Balogun as the newly elected zonal head.

After a successful two-term tenure which lasted eight years, the executive committee was reshuffled to have new ideas, innovations, creativity from other members of the association.

With the support of Ambekemo, Oshodi-Isolo NASHCO was divided into six zones to easily handle the over 120 members of the association effectively.

The six zones created include Oshodi, Arena and Shogunle as Oshodi NASHCO 1 while Charity, Domino and Mafoluku represent Oshodi NASHCO 2.

In the best interest of the association, Ambekemo promised to support, protect and guide the association in the right direction.