Covid-19: I’ve made more of Art samples than work after the lockdown – Apewo
By Damilola Kushimo
Following the restart of business activities, a reputable artist in the locality, Mr. Apewo Jamiu has explained that Arts sector was not exempted from ravaging effect of the lockdown revealing that he has made more samples for display and exhibition than work, recently.
Apewo, while speaking with ECHONEWS commended governments, especially at the local level on how the virus had been managed in the locality but, established that nonchalance, as stubbornly displayed by residents undermine governments’ efforts and that account for why the virus remain in our midst.
According to him, “Prior to the unprecedented break out of the virus and the necessitated lockdown, i barely have time to make Arts samples for display or exhibition as i make not less than 15 portraitures of different kinds, base on order monthly, but, during the lockdown, Arts sector was affected just like other sectors and it is still struggling to break out from this setback. I’ve had to make more of samples than ordered works in order to defy idleness, since the lockdown was eased.
“During the lockdown, no one could really order for artwork because almost all sources of income got paralyzed and again, all form of social celebration got suspended and arts deals with love, celebration and admiration, our activities was greatly affected but, since the restart or businesses, I’ve barely made three portraitures.”
While expressing his optimism that all the sector will get it glory back soonest, he advised residents in the locality to complement governments sustained efforts in winning the battle against the lethal virus.
“Though, many people use the facemask in public places, as advised, but what we mostly see is people putting it round their neck; below their jaw as against the proper usage. It will be good if we can regard these precautions, religiously because our strict adherence to them will catalyze the victory against the virus in our environment.”