PEF Enlightens Members On Retirement Plans, Underlying Health Problems



By Saheed Afolabi


The Professional Enlightenment Forum (PEF) have enlightened their members on planning for retirement early and taking good care of their health.

The event had in attendance professionals from different sectors as they listened attentively to the lecturers wise words.

Mallam Mutiu Adelu lectured the members on ‘Crisis In Retirement Planning: A Way Out,’ he emphasized his lecture on planning for their retirement early in their career and they should cultivate the habit of saving from their earnings.

Speaking to ECHONEWS, Mallam Adelu said it’s evident for the youths of today to start their retirement plans early especially those that are over the age of 40.

He added that, they should imbibe the ethics of Islam guiding their faith in planning for retirement and they shouldn’t be too desperate to retire in wealth in order not to engage in Haram business.

Speaking and engaging the PEF members on ‘Geriatic Diseases At Age 40 And Above (Midlife Crisis)’, Doctor Qasim Apena advised them to take good care of their health while working for their daily income.

Dr Apena said in order to avoid diseases at old age, the youths should take their health seriously and avoid substances that can endanger the health.

The medical personnel told PEF members to always go for medical checkup periodically to know if they have any underlying health conditions which can be treated early before it gets worse.

Dr Apena further urged the youths to check any hereditary health issues in their family and avoid the causes of the diseases such as diabetes, stroke, hypertension and others.

The PEF members felt relieved with the lectures received as it have shaped their knowledge to plan early for retirement and take good care of their health.